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In the beginning...

on a rainy afternoon in 1984, an elderly gentleman walked into Michael Warner's printing business and requested copies to be made from pages of 'Babylonian Life and History' by E.H. Wallis Budge, 1884 (ISBN 978-0-428-43671-1)


In the book was the depiction of a Mesopotamian cylinder seal which intrigued Michael and ignited a lifelong research project that would eventually lead a 73 year old man from Canada, and his son, on an expedition to the remotest regions of the Peruvian Amazon; in search of a species of giant snake not yet classified by science.


The project was initially sponsored by President Alan Garcia Perez, who had his Minister of Eco-tourism provide valuable support; with access to important human resources on the ground.


First landing in Lima, and then after completing a perilous journey across the Andes mountain range, the thirteen-day expedition began in Iquitos, to the East. 


Echoing the 1907 expedition of Lieutenant Colonel Percy Fawcett, of the Royal Geographic Society, the Warner Amazon Expedition 2009 attracted global attention from news media, television production companies, cryptozoologists, university professors, natural history museums and research scientists; even the organisations chosen to publish the reports found their servers crashing due to the unprecedented network traffic driven by global interest. But more extraordinary than this, the son's own fascination with anthropology was renewed, and although the father's academic achievements have been eclipsed, his patient dedication and uncompromising research style inspired the son to go further. 


Thus began his own intensive research project, that would span a decade, beginning with Renaissance Italy, but ending with fieldwork in Egypt; where astonishing discoveries about our ancient heritage were validated. 


One of those discoveries is the resting place of the priceless Ark of the Covenant. This is the only ancient artefact revered by Islam, Judaism and Christianity with references in the Quran, Hebrew and Christian texts. Interestingly, the Ark is also mentioned within cuneiform clay tablets of Mesopotamia (which predate all Abrahamic religious texts); therein described as the "heavenly bright object".


I am that "son" and I have invited support from a group of global elite, who will follow the archaeological excavation of the most sacred artefact in history.


Presentations to the Egyptian Government were immediately received with enthusiasm, and proved that the golden Ark of the Covenant, the Alter of Incense, and the Tent of Meeting are located in a second (twin) subterranean chamber, under the Great Pyramid of Egypt. After joining the Scan Pyramids scientific consortium as a special adviser for the government, Dr Warner carried out his final-stage-fieldwork in April 2024, which confirmed his hypothesis; that the "Cave of the Patriarchs" is indeed a secondary subterranean chamber beyond the stone block which seals the end of the southern passage, in the subterranean chamber.


An unrelated team of French scientists had also confirmed Dr Warner's hypothesis, in 1989, when they drilled a bore hole and identified sand on the other side of the stone block which seals the end of the passage to the 'double-cave'. Dr Warner's latest fieldwork also reveals that the edges of the block have been obfuscated over time.


Dr Warner will use his diplomatic skills and government experience to assist with the public awareness program, particularly as the Ark of the Covenant is relocated from the burial tomb and is presented for public viewing, at the official opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum; the Jewel of the Nile.


The Ministry has received guidance from Dr Warner, for the urgent preparation of a range of holy pilgrimage offerings, to accommodate the millions of faithful travellers flowing to Egypt.


Important people who have been invited to join this project:​

•President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt
•Yuval Rotem, Director General Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
•Dr. Mostafa Waziri, Secretary General Supreme Council of Antiquities
•Liat Weinblum, Director of Project Management Israeli Antiquities Authority

•Yasser Reda, Egyptian Ambassador to the United States of America

•George Soros, Open Societies Foundation

•Council of Scientific Advisors to the President 

•Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, Meta Platforms
• Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria
•Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations


The decryption key:

"...when Jeremiah arrived there, he found a chamber in a cave in which he put the tent, the ark, and the altar of incense; then he sealed the entrance. Some of those who followed him came up intending to mark the path, but they could not find it. When Jeremiah heard of this, he reproved them, saying: “The place is to remain unknown until God gathers his people together again and shows them mercy."" (2 Maccabees)


Dr  Warner

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