For a long, long time, I have avoided saying the words I am about to write. Primarily, because I knew that the world wasn't ready for them. But I cannot watch the growing crises in Egypt and do nothing.
As a scientist I did the work faithfully, and held my standards unassailably high sometimes, putting the burden of proof far beyond most reasonable limits. In that regard, I was rewarded for the effort as one could immediately see the benefits when one came to share the research for the first time. The Egyptian scientists of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities welcomed such finely honed scientific hypotheses, as I have said many times and in many ways. And yet, there are dark forces that exist in the world of men, forces like Zahi Hawass who for far too long has profited from the suppression of truth at the world's most important archaeological site. Yes, I know that many people are bored with the Egyptian historical theme and the endless unproveable theories about 'who built the pyramids', but we are now, truly, on the cusp of discoveries which are beyond the imagination of most humans today.
One of those discoveries I will reveal to the world now, beforehand, in this quiet and barely noticed corner of the worldwide web of lies.
The sarcophagus of Jesus Christ, prophet and son of god, is also contained within the yet-to-be-excavated, tomb of the patriarchs; the twin subterranean chamber which I have directed my Egyptian colleagues to open.
It would be impossible for me to reveal the complete, and very thorough, scientific foundation for my conviction in this forum - and of course the world thinks they know better anyway - but I will tell you this to whet your appetite :
The Great Pyramid, the Temple, the Jabal al Nour, Zion, the Mount of Olives, the Duranki (translated from the cuneiform as Bond Heaven-Earth), Mount Horeb, Mount Sinai, the Sanctuary, Mount Nebo, the Pyramid of also referred to as 'the heavenly place', 'the heavenly Jerusalem', 'heaven'. Ergo, Jesus did enter heaven after his crucifixion; to remain there 'undefiled' 'incorruptible', to be revealed at the "hour of judgment" as written in the title above - and many other religious prophecies.
Now I don't know if Zahi Hawass is a religious man or not, but it has been my experience that Egyptian scientists are themselves very devout Muslims - I recall that my presentation to Dr Mohie (Secretary General) was once interrupted by Friday prayers. Therefore, I think it my duty to warn Zahi Hawass that by silently apposing the removal of the block in the Southern Passageway, he not only stands against me but he also apposes Allah, his god, insomuch as he attempts to prevent the manifestation of prophecy.
Try as he might, no man can go against god! It's science, not magic.
So, once again, I will urge President el Sisi and Minister Issa, with heartfelt sincerity, to no longer permit Zahi Hawass to curtail the progress of this once great land of Egypt!
Relieve Hawass from any and all pyramid responsibilities, along with the other known brothers of darkness, oath-keepers and is time to resurrect the dead!